Hi and Hello everyone,
I am Harshada, and I am happy to interact with the most energetic and enthusiastic crowd through this OTT platform.
Now, rather than giving out a long speech or boring lecture, let me share with you an interesting story.
This is an ancient legend/folklore that has been passed down through many generations and retold in many different versions.


Ramayana or the spiritual significance of it needs no introduction in India or even, worldwide. The story of Ramayana is eternal – without a beginning or an end; retold by generations to generations preserving the original essence. When we hear the word, Ramayana – our human brain rolls it in a linear storyline – a kingdom of joy, a happy marriage, an evil step-mother, an exile, a cruel play of destiny, heroic prince with all weapons rescuing his wife, reunion, and then a dot of prejudice on a white tapestry. Let’s redefine these familiar slides in a new way to make them trailblazing inspiration for women of today and the future. So, what is missing in this grand epic of Ramayana…? The true essence of Seeta – her courage, her grit, and her resilience.


We are constantly nurtured by the universe and the universal laws empower us for spiritual awakening. Like the Law of attraction, the law of oneness, the law of reincarnation, the law of karma, the law of correspondence guides us on how to bring in the desired change in our external, internal and spiritual world. It works like magic if we control our unwanted, negative, cluttered thoughts and manifest goodness and positivity. The philosophy of the Law of correspondence is to make us fully aware that what we not only create the environment around us but also shape our own role. Be ready to open up to embrace goodness, re-imagine all the good and beautiful things about the world, begin to change ourselves to be more positive, transform the environment around us and discover harmony and peace within ourselves and in our surroundings.


In life, our dreams are getting bigger than before. We are getting so busy that we forget to take a pause in between our schedules.

The future is so demanding in terms of responsibilities and change, that we are chasing ourselves only to fulfill those demands. We are getting so away from our natural origin (divine powers), that we now know only our artificial identity (human-created) Can we stop here for a second and think about something we never thought of before. Rest…. rejuvenate…smile…embrace……let your creative juice flow and positive energy fill up your mind and body. Remove the clutter of excess things, thoughts, tasks… Make life simple with less…let’s try to do something different, Make an amazing deal…. like let’s make less great than more.. HOW? It’s not so easy; I agree but let’s think like this…


Do you understand your purpose in life?

Do you have the courage to leave your comfort zone, think in new ways and step out into A World of New Possibilities? In a society consumed by competition, debt, greed, consumerism and envy; can we change the way we view the world and objects around us? Can we change our perception? We spend our entire lives in chasing happiness by chasing our goals, status, honour, social acceptance, consuming and collecting goods but still we are not satisfied or depressed or lonely or left out in the rat race. Can we try to just live happily? Can we focus on time and awareness rather than stuff, things and collectibles? We can connect to this type of thinking from Japanese concept of MA – minimalism approach.

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