‘She’ is Born

She is born

She aroused from the roundness of moon,

A kind of divinity, a kind of beauty

Until the earth drew a path to bring her down,

As all waters of creation would spring from her

She would weave love with threads drawn from hearts,

Roots sunk deep in the womb and hearts soaring to the sky

A spectacular tree of life, love, and sacredness,

She dances lightly with certain coyness

Stretching up to hide her face in the blueness,

Her energy rekindles as she feels the naturalness

Filled with the brilliance of spring, buds, and birds,

The earth looks far superior to heavens

It is her loving presence that imagines and creates,

With open and outstretched wings, she ascends

Love, beauty, divinity is embedded in women,

Each snowflake is a perfect crystal made in heaven

It isn’t a theory, she is the glorious beginning

And without her, it would be not the same story

Harshada Pathare

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