MONO NO AWARE – A subtle discovery of empathy and awareness

mono no aware

Mono no aware…unleash it…

“A billion eyes from the sky penetrate the

the darkness of night with their light

They open the unknown compilation

of mysteries and wonders with their unimaginable chasms,”

High above in the skies, the soothing darkness was cradled by the unbelievably calm winds. A sense of deep intrigue touched me as the ocean’s soothing respiration, above the rocks and shallows, inspired me to look in awe at the Milky Way. Immersing in the depths of the labyrinth, I spilled inexpressible poetry from my engrossed soul…the lines written in soft breaths. The entire cosmos is a big, unsolvable mystery for me, and I am like a grain of sand, so tiny yet significant.

As the moon washes the waves, the ocean saturates with pride as the streams of the sky and water fuse in the eternal expanse. The lingering impression leaves the constellations with a desire for unmasking to experience the reunion that prepares the dawn.

A force was flowing through me that would make me fly relishing the beauty of the higher stratosphere. The splendor of the nights made me desirous of scratching the nights to explore the perpetual darkness and the bioluminescence that sparks from whirls, pulses, darts, swirls, and bangs. There is so much unseen, lying beneath our reach that we cannot imagine even with a team of our lives. Even though much seems tangible and familiar on the surface, still there are so many breathing and non-breathing things that are alien to us.

As I paired an irresistible, infinite relationship with the sizzling darkness it taught me that the inscriptions we leave behind will remind us of our bond with infinity. As emotions dripped, I felt a tranquil halo hover over my head, inviting me to probe into studies of peace and love. The amazing recreations of a purified and enhanced mind awakened my eloquent powers. 

In the omniscience, I am incredibly in love with the metamorphoses that bring in the spring, and mornings. Nature and nights have so much of interesting analogies that it makes it possible for us to share the secrets held deep in the womb of the Universe. There is never an end or beginning but new vistas revealing the essence like a piece of abstract art. Standing on a clifftop, I inhale the imperfections, guilt, secrets that echo in our inside chambers letting out the hope that will mirror a better me.

The mysterious black beauty of the night created an extraordinary iris. An eye that can look at the crystallizing and pristine beauty of darkness, stretch to see the entrancing dimension where the infinite longings are yet to meet… I felt a similar knot inside me. 

Aligning to the new frequencies of trust, it seems the seven elements and senses are all mingling together to create infinite flowing patterns and forms that will produce a perfect picture.

The whole thing has become such a luminous and wondrous spectacle that it evoked a sense of Mono No Awareness inside me. The higher illumination stretched beyond the visible borders. Everything from the void and space connects together melting into one broad horizon that plays the past, present, and future on a monotone.

The expression of the moment evoked a sense of mono no awareness in which glories of the darkness blended in an exquisite, eternal design. Immersed in the darkness of higher illumination, I heard the calm and reassuring pulse of timelessness encompassing everything in its embrace so that we are a part of eternity.

I thank the motif of the night for the primordial revelation of beauty and emotions in impermanence.

Mono no aware continue to inspire and bless me!

Harshada Pathare

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